Tavern Division
A Division Standings
Team |
Wins |
Losses |
Pct |
B Division Standings
Team |
Wins |
Losses |
Pct |
B Division Match Scores
* Chris Wallace 97 out * Bear Buckshot 96 out * Brian Schlicht 84 out * * Terry Schmidtmann 118 out
C Division Standings
Team |
Wins |
Losses |
Pct |
C Division Match Scores
* Greg Caiello 180 * Josh Camire 140 * Patrick Cullivan 140 * Scott Wright 133 * Johnny Wikes Jr 7ct
If you need a player, you may use any eligible sub. Please note that subs listed for C & D can
play for teams in any division, while subs listed for A & B are only eligible to play in A or B.